

Copley Experts Provided NGI Training for Inhal Pharma
Date:2021-01-07 16:14:30 | Visits:

At the start of 2021, Inhal Pharma invited Tony McDonough from Copley to give a 2-day NGI technical training for the DPI project team.

In this training, Mr Tony McDonough compared the testing standards of inhalation formulations in the Chinese, the United States and the European Pharmacopoeia, and explained the delivered dose of inhalation preparations and the principle and method of measuring the aerodynamic diameter of dry powder particles in a targeted manner. He also demonstrated how to use NGI And its matching software and hardware equipment to complete related testing and experimental data analysis and processing. 

Tony showing the artificial throat

Tony explained that in addition to the common artificial throat in the laboratory, there are now more realistic baby and adult types of artificial throats, which more closely mimic the patient's real mouth and throat morphology, making the experimenatal results more accurate. 

Researchers Practicing Equipment Operation

The practise is the only criterion for testing truth. After each training session, researchers from Inhal Pharma have started to practice. Where the eyes met, so did the hands. The seemingly simple operation of the equipment, in real practice, every detail is worth checking and pondering.

Tony showcases experimental data analysis software

The equipment is paired with a complete set of analysis software for medical requirements in Europe, the United States, China and other regions. After the researchers input the experimental data, they can realise automatic analysis and export, clearly showing the influence of flow rate and air pressure on the formulation delivery.

Dr Dong from Inhal Pharma is conducting experimental analysis

Typesetting | JESSICA HE

Inhal Pharma

Expert in the field of Inhalation Devices

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